Monday, September 19, 2011

International Talk Like a Pirate Day 2011

Avast! Here be a video of Sammy celebrating International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Enjoy Mateys!

Aqui 'e um video de Samantha celebrando o Dia de Fala como uma Pirata!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Weird Al and Fishing

Polka Face
(For my English-speaking friends and family--from now on, I will be putting the Portuguese translations after each paragraph for my friends in Brazil)

OK. So this is going to be a pretty short post, even though we had an awesome week! John and I were able to continue our tradition of seeing Weird Al Yankovic when he comes to town. Last time we saw him was back in  July of 2010 in Orlando, FL. He came to the Utah State Fair this past Monday and we had a blast! We wished we could have hung out at the fair a little more--John had class until we had to leave for the concert. It'll be fun to take Sammy to the fair next year.

Weird Al did not disappoint and he played quite a few songs that we didn't get to hear him play last year. There was a pretty good turn out and it was fun to be nerdy with a whole group of people. I have included a few videos from the concert at the end of this post.

Entao, ainda nao sei como fazer um acento num PC americana, mas vou aprender. Por favor, tenha paciencia porque meu portugues nao 'e como deve ser. Esse mensagem vai ser curto esse semana, mas vou tentar, nas semanas seguinte, a colocar a traducao em portugues nas outras "posts" aqui. John e eu fomos um concerto de Weird Al Yankovic esse semana pasada. Vamos a cada vez que ele passar por nosso cidade. Fomos o ano passado tambem.

O concerto foi muito bom e ele tocou alguns musicas diferentes do ano passado. Tinha muitas outras pessoas la tambem e foi bom a divertir com as outras pessoas que gostam Weird Al. Se voce nao conhece Weird Al, ele faz parodias de musicas famosas. Tenho video no fim desse post do concerto.

Eat It
Saga Begins
On Friday, I took Sammy fly-fishing for the very first time. I put her in the backpack carrier and away we went! We didn't go to the pest of fishing holes, but there was a little park nearby. We fished for awhile and then played on the jungle-gym and then fished some more. We even ran into a little friend (that about made me fall into the water--see photo). All in all, it was a great week!

No sexta-feira, eu e Samantha fomos pescar para a primeira vez juntos. Coloquei Samantha numa mochila pelas criancas e foi muito bom. fomos numa parque por perto, mas nao foi muito bom para pescar. O parque tinha lugar pelas criancas a brincar, entao nos pescamos e depois brincamos um pouco. Nos tambem concermos uma nova "amiga" (ver a foto em baixo). A semana foi otima!

Our little friend.../nossa nova 'amiga'

This first song, "The Saga Begins", was actually Weird Al's encore song. It is a parody of American Pie. It is particularly special to John and me because it is our song. While we were dating, it is how we knew we were meant for each other. On the first day that we met, we were in a car with some friends and I was humming the song. My friend asked what I was singing, so I started to belt the song out loud. John joined right in and we sang it by heart. You don't meet very many devout Weird Al fans. We were meant for each other!

Esse primeira musica, "The Saga Begins" 'ema musica especial para John e eu. A primeira vez que nos conhecermos um a outro, estavamos com alguns amigos. Eu comecei a cantar esse musica em baixo. Minha amiga me perguntar o que eu era cantando. Eu comecei a cantar mais alta e John comecou a cantar a musica tambem. Nao tem muitas pessoas que gostam Weird Al tanto como nos dois!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Summer Catch Up

Its impossible to get a serious photo from this guy!
Whew! Our summer was fantastic and very busy (hence why I am just now getting around to blogging about it). I realize that John updated our last blog post to include this (at the very bottom) but-- FIRST AND FOREMOST -- John reapplied to the BYU animation program and was accepted!!! I am SO proud! BYU's program is internationally ranked and many of the major studios, like Dreamworks, say it is the best one in the nation. John started his classes two weeks ago and he is already involved in an animated short that the department is working on. Its so exciting!

I started and finished Summer classes. I did well, but it was not my favorite term here at BYU. I enjoyed the subject matter, but the way it was presented was pretty lackluster. I am glad to be on to new classes.

Since so much has happened, I decided I would let the photos do most of the talking. Here is what we have been up to this summer:
Happy family the morning after our camp out
Our boat of a tent!

We had a church camp out, which was a blast. The had lots of games for the little kids and Sammy enjoyed playing with all the other munchkins. It was Sammy's first time camping and everything went smoothly, mostly because our tent is large enough to fit an elephant (at least it felt like that to me, who is used to sleeping with just a tarp!) We had a queen-sized air mattress and Sam's pack-n-play set up with enough room to fit another queen air mattress! Anyone want to come with us next time?

Me and our amazing friends @ the midnight showing of Harry Potter
We were able to see quite a few movies this summer including Pirate of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Super 8, Captain America, The Help, Kung Fu Panda 2 and Rise of the Planet of the Apes (best one). I was even able to go to the midnight showing of the final Harry Potter movie with some fantastic friends!

Hogsmeade @ Islands of Adventure
Speaking of Harry Potter, John and I were able to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Islands of Adventure in Orlando a few weeks ago. We were able to meet up with some great friends while there and we had a blast. John's parents were kind enough to babysit for us. It was nice to get out together.


Hogwarts Castle

Hogwarts Express
Hogs Head Pub
REAL carnivorous pitcher plants!
The Three Broomsticks! We ate dinner here!
Us in Seuss Landing
So after classes were over for me, we were able to take a trip to FL to visit our folks. We spent about 5 days in Venice with my family and another 5 days in Orlando with John's family. We had a great time. Below are a few photos of our FL adventures.

View over the Great Salt Lake

View over the Gulf of Mexico

Sammy with her Grandpa Great and Grandma Great

First time at the beach!

Sammy and her cousin, Marcus

Sammy at the Venice fountains
I see you!
"hmm...maybe I can drink this"
My family
It was so much fun visiting family and friends. I wish we could have stayed longer and seen everyone that we wanted to, but we had to fly back for the Fall semester. It is going well so far. I will have to keep you posted (hopefully more often than I did this summer). 

Sammy got her first haircut this last week. The last two photos are of her playing at the park and of her new haircut. 
Sporting pink. She loves her new sunglasses.

Samantha's new haircut!