Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Saga Begins...

Well, I guess that the saga really began November of 2008 when John and I got married. I can't believe that we are going on two years! So much has happened. John and I have been able to travel a little bit to some film festivals where Twistee Treat was accepted. Samantha was born this past February and she has been a blessing. Already 6 months old!

Tomorrow we leave to drive across country from Orlando, Florida to Provo, Utah. We are excited, but nervous. Will our little red Dodge Neon, Sadie Mae, pull a loaded 5' x 8' trailer that far? Only time will tell. We'll get to drive through Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, Wyoming and Utah. Driving with a six month old will also be interesting. I hope that all will go well, but I believe that we will have some stressful moments. There have also been severe thunderstorm warnings and tornadoes across much of the midwest. Praying that we do not hit any of that.

This all will be a huge change for us. We have planned as best as we could. John left Triangle Reprographics two weeks ago, and now he is much happier. The future seems more hopeful. I know that going back to school is the right thing for John and me. I believe juggling home responsibilities, a baby and school will prove a challenge. But one that I welcome. I have lots of goals for when we are out there. One of the big ones is for me to finish my degree. I only have about three semesters left. John has three years. I'll go part-time so that we will finish about the same time. This will be a huge blessing because we will be able to configure our schedules so that someone will always be with Samantha and she will not need to go into daycare. I am so happy about that.

John is hoping to enter the Animation program at BYU. I know that he will do fantastic as he is amazingly talented. I have finally finalized on Humanities with an emphasis in English. The funny thing is that I have enough credits to graduate and then some, just not enough in any one field! There's just too much to learn! I love it. But I will be sticking to this major, as I really want to get my degree.

We just finished renting our apartment at Wymount Terrace. I think its a great location. We'll see if I still feel that way after we move in, though. We will have a three bedroom, so Sammy will have her own room (finally!) and we'll use the third as an office space. I love BYU and it will be nice to have lots of young families living close by as well. I am also looking forward to our family growing together and closer to the Lord as we continue to read scriptures together, pray and have family night.

All in all, I think we have a lot going for us. I hope to regularly update this blog so that everyone back home can keep up with the Herzogs. So make sure to check back regularly!


  1. We're going to miss you guys! Drive Safely and give Sammy a snuggle from me <3

  2. YAY!!! The REAL playing will begin when you get to Utah and I see your family! :) I'll even serenade Sammy with some Yellowcard as you play the guitar. haha

  3. Good Luck with the move. Looks like John has his BYU haircut:) Sammy is SOOOOO Cute! I can't believe how big she is getting. Can't wait to see her in person someday. Enjoy Utah guys!!!
